Reducing negative biopsies
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No one wants to miss a cancer.

Clinical studies of the Imagio® Breast Imaging System have demonstrated:

  • Greater confidence in determining whether a mass is benign or malignant1
  • Increased specificity to more than 50 percent2, with no significant loss of sensitivity
  • Better visualization of presence, absence and morphology of tumor neoangiogenesis than mammography or CDU

Current diagnostic workflow3

Higher confidence creates simplified and streamlined clinical pathways.

On average, 70-80% of biopsies are false positive — wasting precious resources and increasing patient anxiety. Imagio® has the potential to reverse the negative biopsy ratio without missing cancer. Imagio® has the potential to bypass many of the additional, inconclusive exams to reach a definitive diagnosis.

AI-based decision support

Accurately assign diagnostic BI-RADS

Proven to make clinicians more accurate, our proprietary SenoGram® provides AI-driven decision support in assessing likelihood of malignancy (LOM) using 15 different features, integrating clinical, OA/US, mammographic, and sonographic data.5

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Our nationwide roadshow can bring Imagio® to your facility or you can start the conversation with a Seno rep today to get more details.


  1. Results from MAESTRO Study of BI-RADS 4a and 4b.
  2. Results from Reader-02 Study.
  3. Vlahiotis A, Griffin B, Stavros AT, Margolis J. Analysis of Utilization Patterns and Associated Costs of the Breast Imaging and Diagnostic Procedures After Screening Mammography. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research 2018:10 157-167.
  4. EUSOBI 2022 Interim CONFIDENCE Registry Results.
  5. Seiler SJ, Neuschler EI, Butler RS, Lavin PT, Dogan BE. Optoacoustic imaging with decision support for differentiation of benign and malignant breast masses: A 15-reader retrospective study. AJR Am J Roentgenol. December 7, 2022.